United Prime Publications

                                                  The main objective of the United Prime Publications  is to serve a forum for scientists, researchers, physicians, Surgeons and other health professionals to find current advances in the areas of medical publishers. The Prime Publications aims to provide a platform for publishing unusual, unique, and rare clinical cases.

                                                  United Prime Publications  will be provided on best publication model. an Open Access peer reviewed Journal welcomes varied article types such as Original Articles, Research Articles, Review Articles, Short Reports, Case Reports, Perspectives.

                                                  The United Prime Publications  offer unique value to the body of medical knowledge by describing new diseases, disease mechanisms, therapeutic approaches, and adverse or beneficial effects of drugs. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports taken by  the act of recording, discussing with colleagues, and publishing clinical observations as case reports remains essential to the art of medicine and publishers [1]. These short communications generate or enforce hypotheses that may lead to further evaluation in larger study designs [2]. In providing detailed descriptions of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual  case reports reflect clinical experience and support medical progress.

                                                   United Journal of Nutrition and Food science are very closely related as Nutrition studies the relationship between foods and its effect on an individual's health and Food Science considers chemical, biological, and physical properties of food in relation to manufacturing, processing, and storage of food products.
                                                   United Journal of Surgery is a dedicated universal access peer reviewed international medical journal which accepts to publish research articles, short commentaries, clinical images, Case reports, Editorial, review and mini review articles in rapidly developing field of surgery for the global advancement of surgical research. The main aim of the journal is to share the latest research innovations and important developments of surgery globally.

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