United Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

 The united journal of Pharmacology is the branch of biology concerned with the study of drug action. A pharmaceutical drug is also called a medication or medicine, which is a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or ameliorate any symptoms of an illness or medical condition or to promote well-being. Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants, but more recently also by organic synthesis. Pharmaceutical drugs may be used for a limited duration, or on a regular basis.

united Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics is an universal access, peer reviewed, scholarly united  journal dedicated to publish articles in all areas of pharmacology and its action.The aim of the united journal is to provide a forum for physicians, and other health professionals to find most recent advances in the areas of pharmacology and drug design.

United journal of pharmacology aims for disseminating the relevant scientific knowledge and information in the field of pharmacology. This journal covers original research articles, case reports, review articles, manuscripts, clinical images, letter to the editors, short commentaries, editorials etc., And serves as a best platform for all the pharmacists, researchers, physicians and academicians across the world to share, discuss and promote various aspects of pharmacology.

united Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics strongly supports the scientific up gradation and fortification in related research community by enhancing access to peer reviewed scientific literary works. united Publishing Group also brings universally peer reviewed united journals under one roof thereby promoting knowledge sharing, mutual promotion of multidisciplinary science.

For more info to visit our site:  United Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics


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